

Filtered By Ones to Watch

Style Guide | How to wear your Simple Coin Pouch

Style Guide | How to wear your Simple Coin Pouch

October 25 2019
Brittany Bathgate and Jordan Bunker have become influential faces on Instagram, with their thousands of followers looking to them for daily style inspiration. So who better to ask for advice on how they would style the Simple Coin Pouch. They looked to the Autumn / Winter collections of their favourite British brands to select outfits for the shoot.
Ones to Watch | Thibault de Schepper

Ones to Watch | Thibault de Schepper

March 09 2018
What I am willing to share on my account is what I’d purchase myself, what I really do believe in, and what I use, wear, and most important, keep for a very long time. I am too old for fast fashion, and I guess I always was. Every single item you see shared on my account is loved and kept, instead of captured and sold.
Ones to Watch | Ume Sacranie

Ones to Watch | Ume Sacranie

December 12 2017

Effortless chic, says a comment left under a photo of Ume Sacranie on her stylish Instagram feed @umeromaan. Ume does make dressing look simple – keep colour just-off monochrome, wear slim pants cropped above bare ankles, throw on a statement coat and leave the house carrying a neat little bag. Easy.

Ones to Watch | Jordan Bunker

Ones to Watch | Jordan Bunker

March 08 2017
Just one year out of university and Jordan Bunker has jumped feet first into working freelance as a men’s fashion and lifestyle blogger. With writing for GQ and ASOS already under his belt, he is now working with independent brands as well as large retailers to create online content.
Ones to Watch | Matthew Pike

Ones to Watch | Matthew Pike

October 26 2016
Matthew Pike has a keen eye for design and spends his time on the hunt for the good stuff. Founder of Buckets and Spades blog, Mat guides us to the best of design and casual menswear, with his soft spot for accessories clearly evident throughout.