Simple Days | Sand Dunes at Lytham St Annes by Jim Marsden

With August Bank Holiday nearly upon us, the weather feeling typically British won't deter the urge to head to the coast.
The innate desire for a sea breeze and sand between our toes is strengthed by the knowledge that these simple pleasures will turn a long weekend into feeling like a 'proper' holiday.
Jim Marsden is a photographer from Lancashire. So enamoured with the quality of image that is produced when shooting with film, he doesn’t use digital.
We approached Jim to describe a Simple Day inspired by the British seaside, as we knew the rich, almost tangible quality of his work would be perfect. Jim photographed his family’s favourite spot to escape the crowds - Lytham St Annes.
So, whether it turns out to be a buckets and spades, or walking in wellies kind of a day, we hope you have a good one. Enjoy the weekend.
Simple days out with family are a favourite. No complicated planning, no travelling for hours with a grumpy son and dog on the back seat. Just a quiet and simple place to get to and one of our favourite places is Lytham St Annes.
To get there, we head for the lights and noise of Blackpool. Instead of turning right up the famous Golden Mile, we turn left where the landscape is seemingly endless sand dunes and grass blown by the sea air rather than amusements and street side arcades.
Getting onto the dunes is simple. Park the car on the main road and walk straight into them, making your way to the top. From there you can look South at the huge stretch of dunes facing the north sea. There are gulleys formed in the dunes, protected from the wind coming off the sea in rougher days. They make a welcome refuge in which to savour the quiet and taste the salt air with your sandwiches.
Squinting South, you can make out the frame of a pier in the distance. Many people walk, heads down against the wind, to the town of Lytham St Annes where chips and a cup of tea fuel them for the walk back up the beach.
These images were taken one evening, an hour before sunset on our simple day as we dawdled along the dunes and beach.
Taken with a Rolleiflex, Rollei 35 and Kodak film.
Instagram | @jimmarsdenphotography